Template Libraries and Document Population
Who is this article for?Internal Audit end users.
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Using a mechanism called DocPop you can take a Microsoft Office document, use it as a template and then populate it with data. See the article below for more information.
1. Template Libraries
There are three template libraries:
- Audit Reports are kept in the Audit Reports Library, and you can pull those through into an Audit (into its Audit Reports screen) and then populate them when needed.
- The Reports Library is for reports that operate at the Universe level, and you run these from the logo button in the menu bar when you’re in the relevant module. From most screens you can see the four Universe-level reports, but you need to go to the Audits module to see the Audit – Findings by Category & Severity report, and the Person - Assigned Audits by Person report is available from the Staff and Contacts screens.
- The Attachments Library contains templates relevant to Audits, Steps and Tests.
Why can't I populate a template?
Sometimes you will open a template and find that it opens without prompting you or with the ‘populate’ option greyed out.
The reasons for this could be:
- The document is already Approved. Check its Sign Off State.
- The document has had its Populate flag removed. Highlight the document, and check the properties panel (in the Configuration section, Populate must show a green tick).
- The template you are trying to launch is attached to a record that is Approved, which in effect makes the attached file read-only.
- You are attempting to open a file directly from the library, in which case the Populate option is not available. Ensure that you are running an Audit Report from an Audit, or a Universe-level report from the logo button in the menu bar.
3. Walkthrough
A video walkthrough is available below: