Unhandled exception error when running Pentana.Tng.ServerRobot.Manager.exe
Who is this article for?Administrators responsible for managing the Robot service.
Server Adminpermissions are required.
Early versions of Pentana Vision/Pentana Audit used a tool called Pentana.Tng.ServerRobot.Manager.exe for configuring and managing the Robot service.
Since v4.2, this is no longer used and all tasks can be carried out via the Robot tab in App Manager. Even though the EXE is supplied even in later versions, it is no longer supported.
This article outlines the error you will run into if you try to use the unsupported file and how to get around it.
1. Issue
In newer versions of Windows, attempting to launch Pentana.Tng.ServerRobot.Manager.exe will result in an error on initialising: "Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue".
2. Solution
To resolve this issue, use use App Manager, which is supplied as part of the full application download (the path within the installation set is /AppManager/AppManager.exe).