Action Updates display in the WebUI with missing Name
Who is this article for?Users who encounter the problem when using the WebUI.
Application Server access and Database Administrator permissions are required.
In the WebUI, Action Updates are displayed with a Name that is derived from the name of the parent Action. This article describes how to resolve issues with the Name appearing as blank.
1. Issue
Normally, an Action Update will have a Name. It is not possible to manually add a name for an Action Update, the value is copied automatically from the name of the parent Action.
Sometimes, the name is not copied correctly and you will see a row with a blank Name.
2. Solution
This issue is resolved by v1 of the Business Rule Data Update script, which is available from Ideagen Support.
To implement the fix:
- If Retain is used, stop the Retain Server service.
- Stop the Pentana Audit robot service.
- Stop the Pentana application pools.
- Back up the Pentana database and verify.
- If Retain is used, back up the Retain database and verify.
- Run the script.
It should run without error. - If Retain is used, restart the Retain service.
- Restart the Pentana app pools.
- Restart the Pentana Audit robot service.
You should now see that Action Update names have been corrected.
This is likely to change the order in which the records appear on the screen, as they are normally sorted alphabetically by name.