Creating a Process
Who is this article for?
Customers Users who want to understand how to create a process in the system
How to Create a Process
1.Go to Library > Processes
2.Left click in the all process areas navigator to open the data tree window:
3.Navigate through the process area hierarchy and in the correct location select add from the ribbon:
Alternatively right click and select add from the drop-down menu:
Process Property Fields
•Parent - select where in the hierarchy you wish the process area to appear.
Note: The process area created will become the child element of the Process selected in the PARENT field:
•Order - This will determine where the process area appears in the data tree.
Note: If we change purchasing order to 10 this will appear last in the data tree
Tip: The reorder button in the ribbon can also be used to reorder the process areas
•Name (Mandatory) - select the name of the process area.
•Colour - set the colour to represent the importance.
•Description - add additional information here.
•Active - activate/deactivate the process area. Only active process areas will be available elsewhere in the system.
•Retired - cascades down to the child Processes respectively. This allows users to de-activate a larger part of the Org Structure in one go rather than having to do each child item individually.